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“Work hard, Play hard”. Bobbi Peckarsky

My research has been mainly focused on the effects of natural and human disturbance on aquatic communities and species interactions.

I graduated in Biology at Universidade de Vigo and started my research journey studying mountain freshwater systems in Pyrenees. Then, I attended Universitat de Barcelona for my MSc thesis focused on the temporal variability of macroinvertebrate communities in National Park of Aigüestortes (Pyrenees) in collaboration with CEAB-CSIC.


For my PhD thesis, I worked with my mentor Dr. Maruxa Álvarez at Universidade de Vigo (Spain). In which we studied -from a very multidisciplinary point of view- the role of fish skin mucus and its mucus dwelling-bacteria community in driving prey-predator interactions, with the close collaboration of Prof. Bobbi Peckarsky, Prof. Carmen Sieiro and Prof. Pilar Molist. During this time, we also participated in several activities with fishermen, looking for an application of our study in fisheries and aquaculture sustainability


As a Postdoctoral researcher, I have been working on the evolutionary and ecological vulnerability of freshwater organisms in response to different disturbances:

First, with Prof. Manuel A. Graça and Dr. Luz Boyero at Universidade de Coimbra addressing the effect of temperature and litter quality on detritivore breakdown rates and performance.

Then, with Dr. Andrea C. Encalada, at Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador, designing and constructing an experimental stream-side facility in order to test the effect of climate change on fish and aquatic insects populations from tropical Andean streams, and compare their vulnerability with temperate counterparts.

Lately, with Prof. David Boukal at University of South Bohemia and his collaborators Dr. Robert Tropek and Prof. Robby Stoks, quantifying the effect of human-made polluted habitats on organisms local adaptation.


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