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What Do Students Know about Rivers and Their Management?

October 21, 2020

My friend Pablo Rodriguez-Lozano published a very interesting study assessing the knowledge that students have about the ecosystem concept of rivers and their sustainable management

PostDoc position in Ecohydrology

August 17, 2020

DRYvER Project (H2020) at Universidad de San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) is looking for a highly motivated candidate to participate in a project with the objective of understanding how biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and ecosystem services in Drying River Networks are directly and indirectly affected by climate change. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter explaining their interest in the position, a CV (max 2 pages), and include two reference contacts to (deadline 11 September)

Interesting Apps

April 27, 2020

Do you want to participate as citizen in science projects? Nowadays, there are available great tools:






IH Cantabria (Spain)

February 29, 2020

Call for a Postdoc Researcher in Freshwater (rivers) ecology, specifically understanding ecosystem functioning and the patterns of alteration created by anthropogenic activities

Stoneflies and mayflies, canaries of our streams

January 21, 2020

I would like to share 2 links that shows how sensitive mayflies are to environmental changes

Postdoctoral Open position at University of South Bohemia (CZ)

January 09, 2020

We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate who would carry out research broadly versed in aquatic ecology / hydrobiology. The topic can be tailored to the applicant's professional background and interests. 

Please direct any queries to me ( or to Prof. Jaroslav Vrba (

Outreach with kids

December 22, 2019

Completely amaze by the work of Arenaria Coordinación. Sharing science and a lot of funny moments with kids. Science can/should reach everyone

Undercover in the Jungle

November 02, 2019

One of my favourite places on Earth...Tiputini, in the Amazon Jungle is in #NatureBBC

The best supervisor

October 09, 2019

I was lucky to have a PhD supervisor whose mentorship transformed my academic experience.

Wwhat great mentors do? EXPAND MINDS


September 30, 2019

Wow!!This kind of course is what we need in the University. Maruxa Álvarez and Ángeles Pariente lead the Specialist course on Innovation, Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship around the sea.

Open postdoc position

September 30, 2019

My friend Dr. Lucía Pita and her team are seeking a Postdoctoral scientist in Comparative Genomics of Marine Invertebrates, specifically in the immunity in early-diverging animals. At the University of Kiel and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Bern Convention: Protecting Europe’s biodiversity

September 28, 2019

We are celebrating 40 years of the Bern Convention! During this time we have worked hard to protect Europe’s biodiversity and we want to show you some examples! Stay tuned with us and discover 40 stories about the Bern Convention.

Great contibutions to tropical science

September 12, 2019

I feel extremely lucky to have Dr. Andrea C. Encalada as friend and inspiration. Her last contributions in tropical aquatic science. Simply amazing!

Biggest dam removal in European history

June 11, 2019

In a historic moment for Europe’s rivers, the first breach was made today in the 36 metre high Vezins Dam – kick-starting the biggest dam removal in Europe so far.

Enjoying life

April 03, 2019

Awesome drawings by @aldersci about our work as freshwater ecologists. Sometimes in our boots, sometimes wearing lab coat, but always fun! As part of the researchers working on Napo watershed in Ecuador, I would like to introduce you the Project NUNA - Cuenca del Napo, alma de la biodiversidad.

Amphibian fungal panzootic causes catastrophic and ongoing loss of biodiversity

March 28, 2019

The chytridiomycosis panzootic represents the greatest recorded loss of biodiversity attributable to a disease.

Scientist that count!

March 07, 2019

As every year, I’m participating in the Scientist women day! It’s very exciting for me to be part of this great panel of scientist at University of Vigo and encourage young researchers and child to stick to their dreams and objectives

Why are soil and water interactions so important?

February 26, 2019

Good quality and health of soil and water are essential for human society., new scientific knowledge will help to address current environmental issues. As part of the project SoWa, which is focused on detailed investigation of all biotic and abiotic processes and interactions between soil and water ecosystems, we participated in this awesome video. Meet all the researcher involve in this amazing project!

MigraMiño with salmon conservation

January 16, 2019

Project Migra-Miño has as main aim to improve the sustainable conservation and management of Miño river habitats. One of its activities is the improvement of migratory fish populations. As part of this initiative, they are exploring several strategies for salmon and trout stocking efforts. (Picture by David Álvarez)

Pilot transplant experiment in (post)industrial waters

October 07, 2018

We started the next part of our “post-industrial waters project” – an experimental transplant of selected organisms among fly ash deposits and post-mining sites. By moving selected species of arthropods and communities of algae among freshwater bodies, we want to explore how they flourish under differing levels of heavy metal pollution. A lot of curiosity and excitement how they work!

Getting ready for the field season!

June 06, 2018

Sometimes science requires the other kind of abilities :)

This month we are working on get things ready for the transplant field experiments. Working with clay to make tiles in which we will grow algae to feed our scrapers and tuning some buckets as field enclosures. It's gonna be a good field season!

Thanks to Alberto Puime, Loris Acca, Šárka Otahalova and Centrum Krajinská-Keramika.

Environmental Day

June 04, 2018

Galápagos Conservancy select one of our photos from the Galápagos green turtle (Chelonia agassizii) to celebrate the Environmental Day!!!

Scouting New Project locations

May 19, 2018

Last week we had the first field trip to post-industrial waters! Boukal's and Tropek's teams (JCU) travelled 1600km to check and select potential sites for our new research on biodiversity of artificial freshwater habitats. We have visited several dozen sand pits and fly-ash lagoons, result from sand mining and coal combustion plants respectively.

Experimental Networking Projects

April 12, 2018

AQUACOSM.- European network of mesocosms facilities for research on marine and freshwater ecosystems.

AQUAEXCEL.- Aquaculture infrastructures for excellence in European fish research towards 2020.

Check it out! They always have Open calls for global collaborations!

Congratulations to my friends from Divulgare!

February 28, 2018

They were selected by Katra Film series and Science film festival for their great video outreach. Divulgare aims to bring science, specifically ecology and evolution, to society through awesome visual communication.

Postdoc opportunity in quantitative microbial ecology at Northern Arizona University

February 12, 2018

My colleague Dr. Ben Koch is looking for a Postdoc with expertise in microbial genomics, bioinformatics, and ecological modeling to join their collaborative research group at Northern Arizona University (Ecoss).

South America trip

January 29, 2018

Look at our video trip around South America! What an amazing continent ;)

During 72 days we visited Perú, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil, from desert to rainforest crossing highlands and was an unforgettable trip

Atlantic salmon video

January 15, 2018

Do you want to learn more about Atlantic salmon  in Galicia!?

Look at this amazing images from Manuel E. Garci and Gonzalo Mucientes (and more beautiful videos about Galician nature:

National Geographic Grants

January 14, 2018

The National Geographic Society pushes the boundaries of exploration to further understanding of our planet and empower the global community to generate solutions for a healthier and more sustainable future.

Application deadline: 4th April 2018.


January 06, 2018

The Red Macrolatinos (RML), together with the Society for Freshwater Science (SFS), the Asociación Ecuatoriana de Limnología (AEL), and the Sociedad de Odonatología Latinoamericana (SOL) cordially invite you to the Meeting “Tropical Aquatic Ecosystems in the Anthropocene AQUATROP“, which will be held July 23-26 2018, in Quito, Ecuador.

Abstract submission is open until February 28th 2018.


December 31, 2017

We are pleased to announce the next conference (XIX) of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL), that will be held in Coimbra, in 24 – 29 June 2018 (Portugal). 

The conference framework this year will be: Inland waters and XXI century challenges: from scientific
knowledge to environmental management.

Abstract submission is open until February 15th 2018.


January 06, 2018

Starting my new position with Dr. David Boukal in the Soil & Water Research Infrastructure (SoWa) at University of South Bohemia (Česke Budejovice, CZ)

Society of Freshwater Science (SFS)

July 09, 2017

​Oral communication in SFS17: Society of Freshwater Science.

Experimental stream warming effects on mayfly growth rates across elevation gradients: a temperate-tropical comparison”.

Authored by: Andrea Landeira-Dabarca, Amanda T. Rugenski, Andrea C. Encalada, Carla L. Atkinson, Steve Thomas, LeRoy Poff, & Alexander S. Flecker.
4th – 8th July 2017, Raleigh-North Carolina (USA)

Roosting behavior

June 13, 2017

Looking for frogs in the middle of the nigth in the dry forest of Jorupe (600 masl South-Ecuador). We found a spectacular and amazing roosting behaviour of this dragonfly (Orthemis sulphurata). As the specialist, Prof. Dennis Paulson, told us: "is a group of 12 mature females with 1 mature male, it seems comparable to roosting aggregations of libellulids reported from southern Asia but such density is rare in dragonflies, definitely seems that is not a general phenomenon in the neotropics!"

Galapagos Conservancy

August 21, 2016

Our penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus) win the month of June (2017) in the Annual Galapagos Conservancy Photo Contest !!!

Society of Freshwater Science (SFS)

May 29, 2016

Oral communication in SFS16: Society of Freshwater Science.

Fish scent: episode II – Nature of fish cues that scare Baetis larvae”.

Authored by: Andrea Landeira-Dabarca, Maruxa Álvarez & Bobbi Peckarsky.

21st-26th May 2016, Sacramento-California (USA)

Aquatic Insects Spa Inaugurated!

February 15, 2016

We are pleased to announced the inauguration of the "Spa de bichos".

After many months of work, designing and constructing a stream-side facility in the Ecuadorian Andes...Finally we are ready to start with Science!

It was a huge team effort, we thank all the EVOTRAC and LEA-Lab people, all the universities involved (USFQ, Cornell, CSU, NU), and Termas de Papallacta.

PostDoc position at LEA

September 12, 2015

I am very excited with my new position at Universidad San Francisco de Quito working with Dr. Andrea C. Encalada in Laboratorio de Ecología Acuática (LEA). A new opportunity to enjoy and learn a lot of new things about tropical streams beginning with EVOTRAC project!!

PhD Thesis dissertation

December 04, 2014


Real Academia Galega de Ciencias (RAGC)

October 05, 2014

1º Prize in Innovative Business Ideas of Real Academia Galega de Ciencias (and IGAPE)

Congress of Iberian association of Limnology (AIL)

July 12, 2014

Oral Communication in XVII Congress of Iberian association of Limnology.

Origin and Specificity of the cue that makes Baetis larvae (Insecta) to respond to predatory fish”.

Authored by: Andrea Landeira-Dabarca, Maruxa Álvarez & Barbara L. Peckarsky.

6th-11st July 2014, Santander (Spain)

BioInvestor Program

May 17, 2014

QUALDIMUS was accepted to participate in BioInvestor Program, Bioga.

QualDIMUS Project as a seed Bussiness idea

January 11, 2014

1º Prize of I Business Incubator Contest of Campus do Mar (Universidade de Vigo)


European Freshwater Sciences Symposium (EFSS)

July 02, 2011

Poster communication in 7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences.

Do mucus-dwelling microbiota reflect what fish eat? An observational and experimental approach with Atlantic salmon”.

Authored by: Andrea Landeira, Maruxa Álvarez & Carmen Sieiro.

27th June -1st July 2011, Girona (Spain)

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